
Community Updates

We are meeting in the upper lot this Lord's Day, July 28th, for our regular Sunday Worship. Bring your own chair if desired. See you then!
New App Up and Running!
Please take a moment to download the Bayview Bible Church App on your phone or device. We will be relying on the app more and more for communication within the church.
After you've downloaded the app, take a look around. Tap the "Messenger" icon to find and connect with your Home Group's chat. Reach out with any questions!


Bayview Bible Church Ice Cream Social
Everyone is welcome to an old-fashioned ice cream Social on Wednesday, July 24th in the Bayview Center garden 6:30 pm. Join us for delicious ice cream, fellowship and fun for the kids.  


Men’s Bible Study
The men are studying through A Gospel Primer by Milton Vincent Sunday evenings, 7 pm at the Center. Contact Joel and purchase the book if you'd like to participate!

Women’s Bible Study
The women will be beginning another book study soon. Stand by for more information!

Home Groups/Leaders
Pastor Joel (208) 416-8664; Ken Fry (509) 216-4256; Don Gardner (208) 683-2647; Steve Fishbaugh (925) 335-9277; Terry Auten (208) 661-7460.
If you would like to be part of a Home Group please contact Terry.

Please Pray

Pray for the witness and maturity of Bayview Bible Church.

Pray that God would increase our financial resources, especially as we look toward breaking ground on our own building.

Please pray for David McCullough (elder candidate) and Mark Lewis and Frank Thomas (deacon candidates) as they move toward formally entering into their respective offices at Bayview Bible Church.

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